prayer; the communication link between man and God. It is one of the highest privileges bestowed on humanity, for mortal man to have direct communication and relationship with God. This means that man is given a free way to meet their maker anytime and anywhere. Now, why do men get late answer to their urgent prayers. Why???
The following are three reasons why men get late answer to their urgent prayers and way out of this as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
(1). NOT FOLLOWING THE PRAYER ROUTINE.sometimes, when I pray to an extent, the Holy spirit command me to change my prayer mode. If I keep asking without thanking Him(God), he may decide in his glory to delay the results to my prayers. Man is used to asking than thanking. We are always perplexed when we get late answer to our urgent prayers. But i believe when we follow the prayer routine God want us to follow, we get them quickly. If you have not been getting quick answer to your urgent prayers, why dont you try what Hannah did when she was childless. She wept bitterly for years before the Lord of hosts. The next year, Hannah changed her prayer routine by making a vow to the Lord. (A VOW) Yes(1sam.1:11). Why dont you try to make a vow to God over that urgent prayer, and I believe He will surely answer you as he did for Hannah.

(2)SIN: 😮
This is a great obstacles to urgent prayers as well. When there is since one's life, this will lead to late answer to urgent prayers. God loves the sinner, but hates sin. A lot of scriptures explain this point. (Proverb. 28:9)- He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayers shall be abomination.(Psalm 66:18)- If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. So, for anyone to pray pray urgently and get quick answer, the issue of sin must be dealt with. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the world. 

(3).SATAN: Our greatest enemy ever. Do we know that the only business if Satan is to work against God's programme and desires for mankind. When he notice that you have something urgent from God, he will find every means to hamper such prayer. Daniel's prayer was answered the first day he prayed but the demons withheld answers to his prayer for 21 days before God interceded. This means that we must resist the devil with powerful prayers. I believe these few reasons has made us to understand and know the way out of late answer to urgent prayers. Thank you


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